Monday, June 16, 2014

Words from the Mouth of Fashion: Franca Sozzani

Franca Sozzani, Vogue Italia Editor-in-Chief

“I don’t like fashionistas. They only wear the brand. You want to become a fashionista? Easy! Spend money.”

-Franca Sozzani, Vogue Italia Editor-in-Chief

Every week from now on, I am going to post a quote about fashion that I want to share with you, and explain a bit of what it means to me. So above is the quote for week one, from Franca Sozzani.

I agree with the fact that almost anyone can be a fashionista if they have the money. 
Its true that anyone can be considered fashionable and trendy if they go and buy the newest Chanel ensemble. 

It's not bad to appreciate good design and want to wear attractive clothes, but it is also good to hear that people in the fashion business, like Franca Sozzani, can see through the clothing and won't evaluate only based on how expensive or flashy an outfit is. 

What do you think? Is this a harsh statement, or generally true?

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Wearable Technology- Ringly

Lately we've been bombarded with all sorts of products claiming that they are "wearable technology". But many of them are unappealing and unattractive, which almost takes the "wearable" out of them, for the fashion forward. Guaranteed, there are some good ideas out there, and they are a start. But there is a new product coming out in the fall that is not only high-tech, but also fashionable! Made by the designers at, these hot new rings, made with 18K matte gold, will tell you when you receive that important email you've been waiting for, great for situations where it would be rude to check your phone every few seconds. Also, these rings look fantastic! I would wear them just for the look! 
 "With technology so discreet, you’ll forget it does anything other than accessorize your favorite looks." (Ringly)
For more information, visit their website,