About Me

Hello! I'm Alyssa Adelle Judson, lover of fashion, art, and my Savior!
I'm a 17 year old aspiring fashion designer, and I want this blog to serve as a springboard for new ideas. I thought it would be great to have a place to put all of my thoughts and opinions on fashion, and to hear your opinions as well! I think actually writing ideas down helps them form better than they would just turning inside my head.

So, you now know why I write, and what I want. But, who am I, really? 
I am an American teen, and live in the northeast.
 I am confident, and strong, but kind. Growing up, I was a total tomboy, always preferring a muddy game of football to a day at the mall. I'm not sure exactly when that changed, but now even though I still love sports, I'd take a trip to the mall anytime. 

I haven't travelled very far, but I would love to get to Italy or Greece at some point in my life. If I get there, my next goal would be to go everywhere possible.
My plan is to go to college in Manhattan, and eventually live there!

I am a Christian, and honoring Christ is the first priority in my life. 

 And now for my biggest goal: I want to have my own fashion line one day with fashionable and well designed clothing, which also follow standards of modesty.

So that's a small bit of me! If you have any specific questions, feel free to email me, alysj1215@gmail.com

Thanks for reading!


  1. I nominated you for a Liebster Award! Check it out here: http://xchampagnepearls.blogspot.com/2014/02/liebster-award.html



I would love to hear your thoughts, opinions, or questions! Getting comments makes my day!:)