I'm a 17 year old aspiring fashion designer, and I want this blog to serve as a springboard for new ideas. I thought it would be great to have a place to put all of my thoughts and opinions on fashion, and to hear your opinions as well! I think actually writing ideas down helps them form better than they would just turning inside my head.
I am a Christian, and honoring Christ is the first priority in my life.
So, you now know why I write, and what I want. But, who am I, really?
I am an American teen, and live in the northeast.
I am confident, and strong, but kind. Growing up, I was a total tomboy, always preferring a muddy game of football to a day at the mall. I'm not sure exactly when that changed, but now even though I still love sports, I'd take a trip to the mall anytime.
I haven't travelled very far, but I would love to get to Italy or Greece at some point in my life. If I get there, my next goal would be to go everywhere possible.
My plan is to go to college in Manhattan, and eventually live there!
My plan is to go to college in Manhattan, and eventually live there!
I am a Christian, and honoring Christ is the first priority in my life.
And now for my biggest goal: I want to have my own fashion line one day with fashionable and well designed clothing, which also follow standards of modesty.
So that's a small bit of me! If you have any specific questions, feel free to email me, alysj1215@gmail.com
Thanks for reading!
Thanks for reading!
I nominated you for a Liebster Award! Check it out here: http://xchampagnepearls.blogspot.com/2014/02/liebster-award.html
Thank you so much!:)