Thursday, January 2, 2014

Be Remembered

So.... Here's the kickoff to the #2014BloggerChallenge !! The first post is a picture or quote that inspires us for the new year.

So I found this on Pinterest ( where else?) and thought that it was a good reminder for why we should dress ourselves nicely. Even though "standing out" and "being remembered" sound much like the same thing, they have different connotations. You can easily stand out, but even if you are noticed, you can be easily forgotten. Where as if you dress and behave to be remembered, you will have a much bigger impact on others.

This also leads to a fantastic question to ask yourself for the new year:

What do you want to be remembered for? 


  1. I want to be remembered for being the best mom I could be. Have a great New Year!


I would love to hear your thoughts, opinions, or questions! Getting comments makes my day!:)