Monday, December 2, 2013

The Future of Fashion?

There's been a lot of talk recently about "wearable technology." With Samsung's Galaxy Gear, Google Glass, and other fashionable (or not-so fashionable, as some people would argue) technology coming out, do you think sometime in the future much more fashion will incorporate new technological advances? Or do you think this is strictly science fiction? And also, do you like the idea of wearing technology?

I personally am all for this, and think it opens up a while new world for designers to explore and experiment with.

Also, while I do love the idea of Google Glass, I think it could be made to be much more attractive. (I have some design ideas floating around in my head, only I'm not sure if they would be doable for mass production.)
What are your thoughts? Agree? Disagree?


  1. I think that some aspects of technology might creep its way into fashion, but it has to look attractive to make the people want it. And i don't think the scientists that really given that a thought.
    I, myself wouldn't really want to wear technology like that, but in about a decade's time, it might be a different story! :)

    1. Agreed. Thats why people in the fashion industry are going to need to be involved as well, not just the scientists. People aren't going to wear it unless they like the way it looks, which is why they need new designs/ideas.
      And yes, I think its something that is just going to slowly creep into our won't become popular overnight.:)
      Thanks for your thoughts!!!!!:) xx

  2. Its definitely not that attractive but its definitly interesting!

    1. Yes... And hopefully they'll become more attractive as they continue to modify them!

  3. I don't think they look that hideous! I imagine they'll be super expensive so I might have to wait until I'm 90 before I can grab a pair, but why not? Although I do think technology can invade our lives too much, and I imagine this is getting close. If people are walking around playing angry birds through their glasses something has to be done hahaha.
    Chloe x
    The Little Plum UK Fashion & Beauty Blog

    1. Haha yes it would need to be for more practical use:) its bad enough that people walk around playing on their phones...their missing out on so much thats going on around them! And yes their very expensive, but didn't cars begin as being only for rich people?? :) xx

  4. I totally want this technology thing to creep its way into fashion... but for that to happen, technology companies may have to work hand in hand with designers so that us (the consumers) will be attracted to buy their items.

    1. I totally agree!! Scientists and developers are only focused on getting the thing to work- the designers need to be on the creative side of things. Hopefully that will happen!:)


I would love to hear your thoughts, opinions, or questions! Getting comments makes my day!:)